How to Work From Home, the Right Way!

As more and more employers begin to enforce a work-from-home policy, including many of our friends within our OITC community, we imagined it might be helpful to give you some solid tangible tips on how to work from home successfully. Whether you’re new to the working from home concept or a pro, these great habits can make all the difference in curving any uneasy thoughts you may be feeling about your new normal.

Firstly, create a dedicated workspace
Find a place within your home that’s as far away from any distractions. Turn off the TV and keep away from the laundry, kitchen and kids rooms. Start work the same time you would if heading into the workplace, and set office hours and stick with them. If you’re going to use social media, schedule specific times for it and shut it off when it’s not time.

Make sure to have the right conferencing software downloaded and tested
For many of us, internal and external meetings will make the shift online. Consult with your boss and team on which tech software to download. i.e. Zoom, Skype, and GoTo Meeting are all popular options. And be sure to test them out beforehand.

Make a point to get out of the house
In the same way, you would go out for lunch, dedicate some time while working from home to go outside for fresh air. Take a walk while on a call, or simply move your make-shift workspace outside for a portion of the afternoon. We love working outside to get a change of scenery.

Plan ahead
Get into the habit of writing down the significant things you want to accomplish throughout the day, and then schedule them in. it can be hard to stay motivated without a team around you, so by writing things down, you make yourself accountable. If you share a calendar with your team, continue inputting your tasks.

Keep in touch
We suggest asking your boss or team leader to lock in a morning and afternoon 10-minute call to kick off the day and wrap up the day, that way you know what exactly is expected of you.
For some of you working alone can feel unstructured and isolating, so make a conscious effort to keep in touch with your workmates. Check-in regularly and help to keep peoples spirits up!

The team here at OITC are always here for our community, so please feel free to reach out at any time, and if you have a bit more spare time on your hands, head over to our Youtube page or listen to our podcasts – we have over 12 hours of content ready and waiting!

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