Technology Makes a Big Difference to Productivity

Technology allows businesses to speed up production processes. Using them can help to look at how staff are spending their time within the workplace and introduce methods to make your operations more efficient.

Use tech platforms to keep you sane

Online task management tools allow you to stay on top of daily responsibilities, it gives teams one place to collaborate through documents, spreadsheets, checklists, and chat. At OITC we use online platform Quip and have found it helps to keep our team connected, more productive, and more together.

Email management processes allow you to stay on top of your inbox and ensures you are answering every message. Our tips:

  • Remember you don’t need to reply to every mail.
  • Create template replies if find yourself sending similar replies frequently.
  • Read-only the relevant emails
  • Structure your emails into categories
  • Use filters to remove the junk

Improve flexibility within the workplace

How we communicate with our teams has been completely reworked over the last decade. with tech advancements, were now able to work remotely. Allowing your staff to work from home or co-working spaces can improve your company’s productivity by allowing them the flexibility to deal with queries quickly and efficiently in a time frame that works with their personal lives.

Our tips:

  • Allow staff ‘life-admin’ hours or days when needed
  • Some employees may enjoy being part of a co-working space once a week.

Improve your customer service

Its a recognised fact – a business can’t survive without its clients. Using tech platforms to creating interactive websites, online chat support services and 24/7 customer service via social media can set you apart from the competition and help improve your earnings – overall increasing the productivity of your workplace.

See our article on Why You Need Artificial Intelligence in Your Business in 2020 and Beyond for tips on how to better your customer service

Improve your marketing

If you’re looking to improve the productivity of your marketing operations, It all comes down to using the right technology. Tech advances have allowed for incredible and proficient marketing plans to be created on easy to use platforms, making it accessible to everyone within workplaces. These platforms can be integrated with your existing project management tools, CRM system and/or with your social media planning/scheduling devices.

Using effective Email marketing platforms also allow you to easily reach out directly to your customers with communication, updates and exclusive offers.

While finding the right tech may take some trial and error, there are several options worth considering to improve productivity:

  • Calendar management technologies
  • project management tools
  • artificial intelligence software, such as internal chat systems
  • Social media scheduling apps
  • CRM software – it makes it easier to see the big picture of the business

Technology will keep your business safe

In the past manual record-keeping caused many issues for small businesses due to the way records were maintained and stored.
Advanced tech now allows companies to manage and implement systems that can only be accessed inside a workplace by the right people.
What to try…

  • Using encrypted password software will offer increased levels of security, keeping staff and clients information safe, leading to a more secure and productive workplace.
  • software applications that can enable you to store securely incident reports, keep track of OHNS record-keeping, leave and medical management, training and workers compensation.

How are you using tech to improve productivity within the workplace?

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