How to Continue to Support Your Favourite Local Businesses Online

We all know local business is essential for our economy. Your local businesses are the ones who generate jobs and strengthen local communities and economies. For most of us, there is a personal connection with those who run the business; they know your name, your preferred order, and they are essentially what makes your suburb special and unique.

Together, we can continue to help keep our favourite local businesses stay alive, by doing these five simple things to promote the local businesses you love online.

Write a positive review
Are reviews important? A BIG Yes.
Boost the spirit of your favourite small business by letting them know just how much you love them. Post favourable reviews to help increase their online presence anywhere and everywhere you can. Think, Google, Facebook, Yelp etc.

Be their friends on social media.
Find your locals online and follow them, like, share and comment on their posts. While these small businesses are continuing to work hard to keep their stores running show them ongoing support by engaging with their social media posts.

Do a social shout out.
Make a conscious effort to give love to your local favourites. Try re-sharing their content to your Instagram Stories or Facebook, Tiktok accounts. Show your audience which retailers and restaurants you’re shopping or donating to and inspire friends, family, and any followers to do the same.

Sign-up to their community
Be part of your favourite local business online community by signing up to their newsletter. Stay up-to-date with their stories, promotions, offers and more. Having this tool of communication will make it easy for business owners to notify their local shoppers and audience of any changes to operations.

Tell your friends and family!
This is one of the easiest ways you can help to support your local – get the word out! By telling those close to you about a local business you love, it can help to encourage more customers in and out of their (virtual) store.

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