New Year, New Ways to Increase Happiness in the Workplace – Insights From OITC Staff

How is it already February! Workplace New Year Resolutions are an excellent concept and a great way get employees to stay focused on what you really want to achieve as a group for the new year, but usually, we try to make too many changes all at once and end up giving up on most, if not all. Our lightbulb moment came when we realised its easier to integrate small, simple wellbeing goals into everyone’s workday, and building on them with more involved commitments, once the easy ones become routine.

At OITC we’ve noticed that it’s those small, easy changes over time that make all the difference. Below are just a few of our favourite ways to bring health and wellness into your workplace with ease in 2020.

We’ve said it before and we will say it again, take your meetings outside!

We know meetings are part of everyone’s working life, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep them indoors contained to a boardroom or office, If you have an informal face-to-face meeting, grab your co-worker and head outside. If it’s a phone meeting, grab your headphones and go for a walk around the office.
Not only will you get fresh air but you’ll also get your daily dose of vitamin D, which will refresh and recharge you, and keep you feeling good for the rest of the day.

Encourage staff to drink water throughout the day

We know the hours can fly by on a busy workday, but ignoring your body’s needs can lead to exhaustion & tiredness, and foggy memory. Drinking around 2 litres of water every day will help keep you alert and focused and will help with your memory and cognitive function. The best way to do this is to use a large water bottle and make sure you’re regularly refilling it to get your required water intake. A trick from one of our OITC staff members – is to set an alarm for every couple of hours as a reminder to refill your water. Another OITC staff tip is – If you find it hard to drink plain water, try adding pieces of fruit, such as citrus or berries to your water.

Everyone should aim to keep their space clean and organised

One of the most impactful health goals is our team’s commitment to keeping the office clean and organised. A workplace environment can affect employees’ productivity, performance and well-being. No matter the business, having a tidy workplace can help keep staff members safe, healthy and efficient. Dust and bacteria, chemical or biological contaminants, inadequate ventilation and electromagnetic radiation can all harm your health, all of which may be present if you work in a particularly enclosed space. Empower your employees to take care of their workspaces and take pride in their offices and workstations. An added bonus is that a happy, lively, clean space will create an atmosphere of calm, which will help you get things done.

Offer and encourage better eating habits in the workplace

When the mid-afternoon munchies kick in, cookies, muffins, and chocolate are quick, easy fixes for even the strongest and most disciplined person. Be prepared for the 3 pm crash by planning ahead and keeping the office kitchen cupboard stocked with nourishing protein-packed goodies and free of sugary snacks. Protein-rich, healthy snacks will not only keep you feeling satisfied until dinner, but they’ll also boost your energy and mood and stabilise blood sugar levels, preventing that good old hangry feeling.
Teach your employees about the value of a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Preach diverse dietary habits, eating starchy carbohydrates, healthy fats, and proteins. Set up posters in the office reminding employees to choose healthy foods.

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