Must-Have Apps for Start-ups

To push forward with a start-up, you’re going to need to invest in some handy tools to amp up productivity and improve processes. Choosing the right business-improvement apps can be overwhelming, given the number of them on the market, so we created a list of our fav apps for Start-Ups to save you time.

Team Wellness:
Headspace is meditation made simple. The app takes you through the basics of meditation, with progress pages to track your stats and reminders to help you with your practice. It offers a wide range of meditation and mindfulness programs aimed at lowering stress, improving focus, and encouraging positive workplace behaviours.

Note keeping
Evernote is the perfect app for keeping your notes organised. You can store and share your personal and business to-do lists, reminders and notes across mobile and desktop devices.

Expense tracking
Expensify allows you to scan receipts and process employee expenses easily and on the go. Plus, Expensify can integrate with QuickBooks, Xero, and a variety of other small business apps.

Time tracking
My Minutes If you find you can’t stay focused or you’re spending too much time on social media: My Minutes – can help to stay grounded by setting goals, such as only spend 2 hours checking email or do at least 30 minutes of exercise today.

Client Management:
Salesforce Is perhaps one of the most prominent names in the CRM platform. Adopted by businesses of all sizes, all over the world. The Salesforce app and platform enables you to track and manage customer profiles across areas, develop personalised marketing strategies, effectively respond to customer concerns, and more.

TripIt combines your travel plans into a single, master itinerary that you can access from any device at any time. Forward your travel confirmation emails to TripIt, and the app takes it from there. You can also check departure times and delays, find directions to the airport and view weather reports.

Try out these awesome apps for start-ups in your business!

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