6 Reasons to Add a Podcast to Your Content Marketing Strategy

The demand for audio content has exploded in the last couple of years, and with that, we have seen countless personalities and brands create their podcast platforms. It’s arguably one of the best ways to slice through the enormous amount of online content and is more personal and intimate than other forms of devouring content.

There’s no better time than the present to get in on the podcasting opportunity – Here are our six best reasons why!

It’s really easy to consume.
Its a unique storytelling platform, and allows audiences to listen to content while they do other activities passively. Your listeners don’t have to shift time away from what they’re doing to focus exclusively on podcast content. They can listen to your show while they’re walking, running, cleaning the house or working.

Strengthen brand awareness
Podcasts help to build brand recognition, power and trust among your audience and potential consumers. When you distribute your podcast on popular platforms like iTunes, you’re instantly exposing yourself to potential listeners for free across the globe. The hope is that your audience will then continue to support, distribute, and comment on your podcast; helping to push your brand and expand your customer base.

Acquire more customers.
Continuing from above, as a business, you can capitalise on your podcast content by including a CTA at the end of an episode. Give your listeners a clear objective, and make sure your landing page, email subscriber list or other tools are ready, effective and easy to navigate.

Build it into whatever you want
The beauty of podcasting is there no set structure; you can easily diversify your messaging, focus on multiple unique stories, give advice, share experiences, play music, or whatever you want. With the right mix of knowledge, entertainment, conversation, and music, your audience will continue to come back to your show time and time again.

Become an industry leader
Are you looking to become an industry expert?
The unique nature of the format allows your audience to learn from you and your guests in long-form. Instantly build your credibility as an industry leader by presenting your guests’ expertise, accomplishments and failures in a raw and authentic style. People will embrace that it’s coming directly from them rather than through the lens of a journalist.

Lastly, it’s cheap and quick to produce.
Recording a podcast is far less time-consuming than writing an article or recording and editing video. With a bit of technical knowledge, you can get started on a limited budget. Technically speaking, your computer (and your phone) has everything you need to create a podcast episode. If you want to take it one step further – all you need for production is a quiet room, a microphone, a recording device, and editing software – and fortunately, there are free options!

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