Tackling TikTok – An Intro to the Platform For Any Business.

We know that maintaining multiple social media platforms can be overwhelming for many small businesses, but the reality is in 2020, you cannot ignore the value in using them to connect with your audience/consumers, and grow brand awareness,

Tiktok, while technically not new, is now starting to get the attention of brands and advertisers. The charm of TikTok is simply the volume of active users, currently, it has over 1 billion.

You’ve seen the ways brands use Instagram and Facebook to engage with their customers through posts, stories, live videos, and IGTV. TikTok allows businesses to engage with their audience through short-form and shareable creative videos – the opportunities are endless because you can upload any video you want.

If your business is ready to tackle TikTok, here are simples way to succeed on the platform.

Reveal a different side of your business
Take time to consider what your audience would enjoy seeing using video.
Are you going to highlight your customers favourite products, or focus on your employees or create behind-the-scenes videos and skits about your workplace? The app is extremely imaginative and provides a suite of video editing features, like transitions, slow and fast motion, text overlay and music, making it easy for anyone to create fun and approachable content from their smartphone. The key is to remember TikTok is a creative and fast-paced app – so have fun with your content.

Create a hash-tag challenge
One of the most fun and engaging components of TikTok is the push for collaboration and user-generated content – Driving users to participate in challenges and to replicate your videos. A successful hashtag challenge will increase brand awareness at a very low cost to the business.

How does it work?
Ask people to perform a certain task and share their video using a challenge-specific hashtag you have created. As more and more users participate in the challenge and share videos using the hashtag – the more likely it is to start trending on the platform.

Actually, Pay to advertise on TikTok
Like other social media platforms, TikTok is trying to monetise the platform – where brands can pay to have their ads shown to users. Here are ways to pay for advertising right now.

Paid hashtag challenges: As we mentioned above hashtag challenges are a big opportunity on TikTok. When there’s a new challenge on the Discover page, users can see it and join in. Your business can pay to sponsor a hashtag challenge and get a custom banner across the Discover page. When users tap it, they’re taken to videos you have created explaining the challenge, all while promoting your business/brand.

Native ads: These video ads play between user video content. They can are generally less than 15 seconds and incorporate buttons. However, like Instagram users can skip or scroll past these ads.

Brand takeovers: If you looking to pay a little more and get huge exposure and exposure and recognition; this type of ad helps.
These full-screen ads appear in the user’s feed before they see any other user content. They link back to your business landing page and are exclusive within various categories. Only one ad can show in that slot for the specific category per day.

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