6 predictions for growth marketing.

If you’re in the world of Digital Marketing, you’re well aware of how quickly trends can change.

So each year, the team at OITC likes to put together a list of trends we’ve read, noticed or anticipate will lead the charge in any marketing efforts in the coming years.

Here are our thoughts on the future!

Let’s start with our favourite Social Media: Social media will continue to be the most powerful marketing tool. Of course, that shouldn’t be a surprise to you, given the number of people using social media is over 4.48 billion worldwide! We think more and more businesses will turn to WhatsApp, especially direct-to-consumer brands like retailers or financial services, who can benefit from offering customer service to an international audience.

People will want more curated and high-quality Video content. Businesses of all sizes now understand the power of video, but moving forward, it will become the staple of any marketing campaign; why list product features when you could present them in an engaging video?

Livestreaming will be the norm. Livestreaming combines the best parts of real-time messaging platforms and interactive content – this means any business or person can create a personal user experience from anywhere. We know it’s daunting, but we believe this will be part of every marketing strategy next year!

Email marketing will make a comeback – Let us start by saying at OITC, we love our monthly newsletter; not only is the ROI worth the investment, but we also value showcasing the latest case study, new tutorials and, of course, industry-focused blogs! So why do we think it’s coming back? People want personalised experiences and information delivered to them without sifting through continually updated feeds. Luckily, with AI advancements, businesses now with new and exciting ways to optimise their performance.`

Influencer marketing will continue to grow significantly for small business campaigns. The appeal of influencer marketing is that they ultimately take the responsibility of creating content off your hands and, in turn, help with brand awareness and exposure, authentic customer interactions, and more. While we’re talking about the influencer world, our fav Gen Z social platform has recently enhanced its search capabilities, including integrating more data points from previous brand/creator partnerships to help your selection process – brands will be able to post details of upcoming campaigns allowing creators to then apply to partner up on promotions proactively.

Businesses will get savvier by repurposing content. Why only use a video once when you can easily reuse it across different channels, like email and social media or let it sit on your website? Other helpful tips include updating old content, repurposing an ebook or whitepaper into a blog post or turning a blog post into a short Twitter thread lengthy LinkedIn post.

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