How to get creative during the silly season – use these creative exercises


One of the simplest yet valuable tools available to anyone seeking creativity is freewriting.
Each morning or afternoon, schedule in a few minutes to write in a stream of consciousness. Freewriting is when you write whatever comes to mind consistently without stopping. It is a great way to discover some of your unconscious ideas, leading to creative solutions to work hurdles.
Remember: When you start freewriting, it is vital never to pause or edit your writing as you do it.


Storyboarding is a valuable creative exercise for discovering new ideas or improving your existing processes. Rather than writing out the steps of the system, this time, draw each step in a series of small, rectangular boxes or circles in a linear order.

How this will help: You might discover an excellent new stage in the process that you hadn’t considered. Once laid out visually, the illustrative nature provides a clear step-by-step description of the thinking behind an approach from beginning to end.


Reading as a creative practice is often overlooked. Head to your local bookstore or library and explore a section completely unrelated to your work or the books you usually read. Pick a book and read it to see what new knowledge you can discover. Learning of different disciplines from your own can introduce you to new ways of fulfilling your work.
Science note: It’s understood that becoming engrossed in a novel enhances connectivity in the brain and improves brain function.


A variety of background sounds, like listening to music, will allow you to Mind-Wander – this helps activate the imagination. Intentionally playing happy music in your workspace can accelerate creativity. Use the time to write down any ideas or thoughts that come to mind. Then, explore those ideas to see if you can apply any to your work challenges.

Remember: The key is that the music needs to have a strong emotional impact and a catchy beat. So it is best to listen to your favourite music or songs without lyrics.

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