
What is Salesforce Digital Engagement?

With Salesforce Digital Engagement, businesses can create a seamless customer experience and foster stronger customer relationships, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

According to Salesforce, 84% of customers say the company’s experience is as important as its products and services. Salesforce Digital Engagement allows you to connect with customers instantly. It provides real-time support and the tools you need to improve customer experience by leveraging messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Chat, SMS, and Instagram.

The traditional method of connecting with customers through email has become less effective – this is where messaging platforms come in handy as they provide an instant and personalised approach to engage with customers. 

One of the key benefits of messaging platforms is their immediate nature. Customers receive real-time notifications and can quickly respond to them. This creates a sense of urgency and a more reactive environment, making it easier for businesses to communicate with their customers. Additionally, messaging platforms are personal, allowing companies to create a more personalised approach to engage with their customers.

Now let’s take a closer look at some of the customer engagement channels that businesses can leverage:

  1. WhatsApp: With over 2 billion users, WhatsApp is among the most popular messaging platforms globally. Businesses can use WhatsApp to send orders, shipping confirmations, appointment reminders, support requests, and sales progress updates.
  2. Facebook: With over 1.8 billion daily active users, it is another popular platform businesses can use to engage with customers. Businesses can use Facebook Messenger to send messages, automate replies, and manage customer interactions.
  3. Chat: Many businesses have started using chatbots to automate customer support and improve response times. Chatbots can be integrated with messaging platforms and handle frequently asked questions, order tracking, and other support requests.
  4. SMS: SMS is a tried and tested method of communication that businesses can use to send timely alerts, updates, and promotional messages. SMS is an effective way to reach customers who do not have access to messaging platforms or email.
  5. Instagram: With over 1 billion active users, Instagram is a visual platform that businesses can use to showcase their products, services, and promotions. Businesses can also use Instagram Direct to connect with customers, send updates, and handle customer inquiries.

Paired with Reports and Dashboards, Salesforce Digital Engagement provides an audit trail of conversations and key metrics, such as the number of conversations held within a specific timeframe, aiding Service and Sales Managers in optimising customer engagement strategies. Find out more by chatting with OITC today, 

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