Here’s how to improve tech adoption for sales teams.

According to Salesforce, here’s how to improve tech adoption for sales teams.
Let customer-centricity drive tech adoption.

Customer-centricity enables you to align your business’s processes and services with customer expectations. Keeping the customer journey and needs at the core of your digitalisation efforts can help you deliver convenient and personalised experiences – creating a stickiness that can lead to higher sales.

Carve a niche by providing connected, consistent experiences.

It is not always possible to create differentiation through your products. In such cases, think of using technology to deliver exceptional services and experiences that can help you beat the competition and boost sales. 85% of business buyers say a company’s experience is as important as its products or services.

Think of the technology’s usability and relevance

When adopting new technology, it is vital to find a balance between the tech-savviness of the end-users and the rapid pace at which technology is evolving. Not only is the lifecycle of technology products and platforms rapidly decreasing, but that of a company’s products and services as well. So, as you design your digitisation journey, consider a horizon of only five to 10 years, and focus on ease and rapidity of evolution.

Build familiarity with technology to drive adoption

Change management is crucial to optimum tech adoption, and it is the most effective when senior stakeholders lead it- sending a clear message to the rest of the organisation on:

  • The need for digitalisation in B2B sales
  • The necessary steps to optimise the implementation of technology
  • How this will benefit the business, users, and customers

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